Page 45 - New Cloth Market November 2022 Digital Edition
P. 45

Chitosan-Based Sustainable Textile Technology: Process, Mechanism, Innovation & Safety

         of 60°C for 2 h. A vacuum filter is used  that is very close to the value of a good  derivative facilitates for the utilization
         for the separation of two phases.  insulator. On the other hand, deionized  of antistatic functional textile. The
                                            water exhibits a magnitude that is 108  chitosan derivative is synthesized
         The residue is washed with water to  times lower than that of polymers but  through the N-alkylation of 4-formayl-
         neutralize, and the filtrate is mixed with  mineral water show 103 times higher  N-methylpyridinium iodide and [3-(4-
         ethanol to precipitate the chitosan for  electrical conductivity compared to  formylphenoxy) propyl]trimethyl-
         24 h. All precipitates are dried and  pure water. Therefore, chitosantreated  ammonium iodide [63].
         stored in airtight container. The main  fabrics enable to absorb a very
         application of the fragmented chitosan  significant amount of water from the  Chitosan: an antimicrobial agent for
         is to develop durable press finishing  atmosphere after exposure to the  textile
         process on fabric. In this process, the  humid environment and result in the
         fragmented chitosan is added to    increase in electrical conductivity  Innovative ideas are in practice to
         distilled water and stirred until it  following the lower propensity to  develop a new form of chitosan for
         dissolves completely. The finishing  produce static charges. Chitosan  improving the efficacy of conventional
         agent contains 8–10% (w/w)         having excellent moisture content  chitosan applications in textile.
         dimethyloldihydroxyl ethylene urea  property is an excellent antistatic agent  Chitosan-treated fabrics and fibers are
         (DMDHEU), 0.8% MgCl2, required     [61]. Antistatic fabric is developed by  used for the production of antibacterial
         amount of softener, and the fragmented  fixing the chitosan on the fabric. In the  fabrics for working environment such
         chitosan solution. The fabric is then  fixing process, butane-1,2,3,4-  as a hospital, biotechnology research
         immersed in the finishing solution  tetracarboxylic acid (BTCA) is used in  lab,  cosmetics,  fundamental
         maintaining a pick-up ratio of 80%. The  the presence of the catalyst, sodium  industries, and so on. The charged
         treated fabric is preheated at 80°C for  hypophosphite (SHP). Chitosan (1% w/  amino group of chitosan interacts with
         5 min and then cured at 150°C for 3  v) dissolution in acetic acid (1%) is the  the cell wall of microbes that causes
         min [60]. The fragmentation of chitosan  first step of the process. Liquor is  degradation of protein and intracellular
         chain facilitates its diffusion into the  produced by the addition of 6 g BTAC  constituents. It also affects the
         fabric to form a network with fibers that  and 6 g SHP in the chitosan solution.  permeability of essential nutrients by
         results in increased recovery angle.                                  altering the cell membrane and causes
         The curing time and temperature have  A sample of fabric is then immerged  their death finally [64]. For example,
         a significant effect on the result of final  into the liquor and padded to maintain  chitosan exhibits direct interaction with
         wrinkle property of fabric.        wet pick-up ratio 100%. The treated  the cell wall of Aspergillus niger. As a
                                            fabric is required to dry at 80°C for 5  result, a controlled fungal growth and
         Chitosan: an antistatic finishing  min, and the curing process is done at  delays in the spore germination occur.
         agent on textile                   140–170°C for 5–20 min according to
                                            the final finish of the fabric. At the end  Despite having the potential as
         Static surface charge is developed on  of the process, the temperature of the  antibacterial property, it requires, at a
         polymers due to very less amount of  fabric decreases at room temperature  high concentration, for desired efficacy
         moisture content. Moreover, the    and it is washed with acetic acid for  without having any release property in
         electrical conductivity is also an  removing extra chitosan. It is then  bandage, sutures, etc. The innovation
         important factor on developing static  washed again with deionized water and  in synthesis, production, and
         charge along the synthetic filament  dried by air.  The qualitative and  application leads to form nanosized
         through a mechanism induced by an  quantitative analyses are done by  chitosan that could be beneficial for the
         electric field.  Therefore, antistatic  potentiometer and compared with the  presence of high amount of active sites
         chemical compounds influence the   untreated fabric. Another study has  available due to the large amount of
         propensity of accumulating static  been carried out for the antistatic  surface area. In general, a single
         charges by aborting the production of  fuctionalization of PET film and fabric  antibacterial agent has some limitations
         electrostatic charges or by enhancing  by applying oligochitosan.     to perform against both gram positive
         the electrical conductivity or by both                                and gram negative including a broad
         mechanisms. Chitosan can hold in high  The processes are almost similar  range of microbes. Therefore, the
         moisture content regardless the extent  except the drying and curing  combination of chitosan and other
         of humidity that opens the opportunity  temperature and time. In the later  antibacterial components such as
         to apply chitosan as an antistatic  process, drying temperature is    silver has gained more and more
         finishing agent on textile surface. In  maintained at 70°C for 1 h and the  attention to fight against large varieties
         general, the polymers show the     curing process is done at 110°C for 30  of the microbe by focusing on easier
         resistance of specific electrical  min [62]. A new N-substituted      the synthesis and highly efficient in the
         resistance in the order of         quaternary ammonium chitosan       application [65]. For example, chitosan

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