Page 47 - New Cloth Market November 2022 Digital Edition
P. 47

Chitosan-Based Sustainable Textile Technology: Process, Mechanism, Innovation & Safety

         molecular skeleton. In addition, it  phosphate and 6% resin shows     presence of ethanol. The final product
         functions as blowing agent and     36.557% residue, while the         is washed with fresh ethanol to remove
         releases nitrogen as a result of   decomposition temperature is reduced  extra nickel (II) nitrate hexahydrate
         molecular destruction.             by 25°C compared to the untreated  and dried at 60°C in a vacuum dryer. It
                                            fabric [70].                       is then blended with polyvinyl alcohol
         Therefore, a potential nitrogen-                                      (PVA) that provides film or fibers or
         phosphorous bonding could be       Furthermore, apart from a reaction  nanofibers [75] to synthesize flame-
         established as flame retardant     mixture, layer-by-layer (LBL) deposition  and chemical-resistant materials. The
         materials. Chitosan-based flame    processes are also examined for    heat release rate of nickel chitosan
         retardant materials have been designed  developing a nanolayer formation [68]  phosphate (NiPCS) blended PVA
         by chitosan-phytic acid [68], chitosan-  on substrate or fabric. In this process,  decreases substantially compared to
         sodium polyphosphate [69], chitosan  the solution of chitosan is prepared  the raw  PVA.  The microscale
         phosphate (chitosan-orthophosphoric  using HCl and phytic acid salt (2 wt.%)  combustion calorimeter test has
         acid) [70], chitosan phosphate-nickel  in deionized water.            exhibited the peak of heat release for
         [71], chitosan melamine phosphate                                     PVA at 155 W/g, while NiPCS blended
         (chitosan-melaminesodium           The branched polyethyleneimine (1  PVA having a peak at 40 W/g [71].
         hexametaphosphate) [72], chitosan-  wt.%) is used to increase the adhesion
         diammonium hydrogen phosphate [73],  of cotton fabric as a primary layer. The  Besides, the total heat release rate is
         etc. It is expected that the presence  fabric is dried and dipped sequentially  decreased by NiPCS from 18.2 to 10.4
         of ammonium nitrogen in chitosan   in positively and negatively charged  kJ/g, which underlines the main action
         would provide the synergistic effect  solutions. The process continues up to  of NiPCS. Moreover, the increased
         with phosphate groups against flame  desired level of the bilayer to achieve  amount of NiPCS enhances the char
         or fire [74]. The preparation of chitosan  effective layers for flame retardancy.  formation that resists the transfer of
         phosphate has been conducted using  After the dipping process, it is wrung  oxygen and heat. This process leads
         many processes. For example, 23 g  to release excess solution and dried  to delay the thermal decomposition of
         chitosan has been added to a solution  at 70°C for 2 h. The thinnest coating  materials due to the improvement in
         that contains urea (40 g), phosphoric  which is approximately 10 nm thick has  thermal stability at high temperature.
         acid (40 ml), and dimethylformamide  been achieved at pH 4. The thickness
         (350 ml) at 100°C for 5 h. At the end of  contains 30 bilayers on the cotton  Chitosan: a hydrophobic material for
         the process, the product is filtered and  fabric surface where one bilayer  water repellent textile
         washed with isopropyl alcohol (50%)  consists of one positive and negatively
         and dried at 60°C. In this process, a  charged layers. More than 90%  Superhydrophobicity is observed in
         commercial resin, knittex FLC, has  residues were left, while the flame  duck feather, wings of butterflies, the
         been provided by Ciba-Geigy        propagation is completely stopped  legs of water striders, etc. The specific
         (Switzerland). The resin allows the  during the vertical burn test. In addition  energy of surface is a quantitative
         capturing of phosphate by crosslinking  to chitosan phosphate, Shuang and his  value to comprehend the understanding
         and by forming a network to fix the  coworkers have focused on the metal  of how water droplets interact with a
         chitosan with cellulose. In addition, the  ion binding ability of chitosan  surface. It is highly relevant to the
         increased    amount    of   resin  phosphate that results in a synergistic  contact angle and roughness factors
         concentration (2–8%) leads to a    effect and enhanced flame retardant  [76]. Nanoscale chitosan coating may
         reduction in tensile strength (140-114  property by adding nickel ions [71]. The  be applied on the surface of cotton and
         kg) and elongation at break (21–15%).  process involves 2 g chitosan and 30  polyester fibers to achieve rough
         In contrast, the tensile strength and  ml methanesulfonic acid in magnetic  surface. These rough surfaces are
         elongation at break increase for using  stirrer putting on an ice bath in inert  further treated with silicon [77] and
         a higher concentration of chitosan  atmosphere to avoid moisture, by  fluoride [78] to reduce the surface
         phosphate. It also guides to increase  adding phosphorus pentoxide (10 g).  energy. The fabrics are dipped for 1 min
         the amount of phosphate (0.095–                                       in a chitosan solution in 1% acetic acid
         0.314%) content in the coated fabric  The chitosan phosphate is achieved  before being squeezed. The wet fabric
         and shows higher residue contents by  from the reaction and washed with  is neutralized by ammonia gas for 1
         releasing very less volatile components  acetone, methanol, and ether. The  min and dried 80°C for 5 min [79]. The
         compared to untreated fabric. A    drying process is realized at 60°C  dipping-padding process with chitosan
         compensation effect works between  using vacuum. Nickel (II) nitrate  allows forming a thin film on the fabric
         the concentration of chitosan      hexahydrate and the dried chitosan  surface. Later on, ammonia treatment
         phosphate and resin. The cotton    phosphate react in the ratio of 10:1 with  changes the pH of the wet fabric, and
         surface treated with 8% chitosan   each other at 60°C for 1 h in the  insoluble-nanoscaled chitosan is

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