Page 50 - New Cloth Market November 2022 Digital Edition
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Chitosan-Based Sustainable Textile Technology: Process, Mechanism, Innovation & Safety

                                                                               Conclusion and future perspectives
           Table 3. Different techniques and applications of chitosan-based
           microencapsulation processes for textile.                           Chitosan is biodegradable in human
                                                                               health, plant, and environment
           Application                         Microencapsulation technique
                                                                               organisms. Concerning economic
           Limonene oil microencapsulated      Coacervation process by NaOH    aspect, it is a by-product of fishing
           textile for antibacterial activity  dripping technique              industry. Textile is one of the most
           Cosmato textile-chitosan/vanillin   Spray drying technique          usable consumer products in our daily
           microcapsules                                                       life although the processes are mostly
                                                                               hazardous. The whole supply chain of
           Microcapsulation of citronella oil  Coacervation process by NaOH
                                                                               textiles still requires more research on
                                               dripping technique
                                                                               how to establish the sustainability
           Microcapsulation of linseed oil     Multilayer coacervation method  regarding health safety and cost. The
                                                                               use of chitosan could open the door
           Phase change material encapsulation  Chitosan as binder
                                                                               for developing a sustainable industrial
         for the application of mosquito repellent  encapsulated using chitosan as shell  practice in fiber production and fabric
         and antibacterial activity. Chitosan and  materials [101]. Sodium alginate (95  treatments for its nontoxic property and
         polyacrylate copolymers have been  ml, 0.6% w/v) and 18 mM calcium    low cost. Moreover, the blended and
         involved in the process for        chloride are added to the leaf extract.  modified chitosans that extend the
         encapsulating the DEET in situ.    Chitosan is added to this solution by  availability of various high-end
         Chitosan solution (0.5% w/v) is    stirring for 30 min and left overnight at  functional textiles with reasonable price
         prepared using 0.6% (w/v) acetic acid  room temperature. It is then centrifuged  will enhance the research and
         in a flask which is equipped with a  at 1500 rpm for 15 min. The coacervate  development on chitosan-based textile
         condenser, magnetic stirrer, and   phase will be separated out, washed,  processing.
         nitrogen flow facility. Butyl acrylate (BA)  and stored at 5°C for further analysis.
         and N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide (DEET)                                     Author details
         are added to the chitosan solution, and  The release rate of the core materials    1,2,            1,2*
         the temperature is maintained at 80°C  through the chitosan shell depends on  Jagadish Roy  Fabien Salaün  ,
                                                                                               1,2        3
         for 10 min with stirring. In general,  the temperature, humidity, and time. On  Stéphane Giraud , Ada Ferri  and
         DEET is easily dissolved in poly butyl  top of that, the release property of  Jinping Guan 4
         acrylate, and the dissolution is   active component depends on
         uniformly homogeneous. Tert-butyl  chitosan    concentration    and    *  Address all correspondence to:
         hydroperoxide is added to the mixture  temperature [93]. For example, the  [email protected]
         at 80°C for 4 h. A white emulsion will  release of citronella oil is 20–25% when
                                                                                1 University Lille Nord de France,
         be achieved, and the emulsion is   the operational temperature is
                                                                                   Lille, France
         sprayed on a 4-mm cotton fabric. The  maintained at 40–60°C. Besides,
         fabric sample should be bleached   chitosan wall membrane concentration  2 ENSAIT, GEMTEX, Roubaix,
         before the treatment, and maximum 10  0.2–0.5% is considered as a good    France
         mg/cm2 emulsion is maintained.     microcapsule for a better release
                                                                                3 Department of Materials Science
                                            property.  The release property is
                                                                                   and Chemical Engineering,
         Chinese standard GB/T 17322.10-    entirely inhibited when the operational
                                                                                   Polytechnic University of Turin,
         1998, a standard test, is followed to  temperature is 80°C.
                                                                                   Turin, Italy
         check the mosquito repellency at 25°C
         and 65% humidity compared to       The mechanism underlying the release  4 College of textile and Clothing
         untreated fabric sample.  The      behavior is the contraction of chitosan  Engineering,     Soochow
         percentage of mosquito repellency is  membrane due to increase in         University, Suzhou, Jiangsu,
         determined based on the difference  temperature. As a result, the pore size  China
         between control and treated fabric. For  reduced and the release of core  References
         example, ED90 indicates 90% effective  materials stopped [93]. On the other
                                                                               [1] Niekraszewicz B, Niekraszewicz A.
         dose. In this process, 4% DEET is  hand, the chitosan-core material
                                                                                  The structure of alginate, chitin and
         enough to achieve the ED90 value,  interaction also affects the release
                                                                                  chitosan fibers. In: Handbook of
         while the content is 1.5 mg/cm2 for 4  property. In this regard, the
                                                                                  Textile Fibre Structure Natural,
         h protection. Apart from the formulation,  concentration of chitosan and  Regenerated,  Inorganic  and
         Vitex negundo leaf extract is also used  crosslinking agent should be optimized  Specialist Fibres, vol. 2. Woodhead
         as a mosquito repellent and is     properly.                             Publishing Limited; 2009. p. 266–304.

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