Page 40 - New Cloth Market December 2022 Digital Edition
P. 40

Industrial Hemp Fibers: An Overview

         ance of thermomechanical degrada-  thermoplastic composites can also be  Song et al. [69] investigated the me-
         tion, and a larger amount of natural fi-  recycled by chemical or energy meth-  chanical properties of hemp fiber-rein-
         bers that can be added to the com-  ods as described above. In addition,  forced PLA composites, with a focus
         posite matrix. However, the effcient  thermoplastic composites can also be  on the viscoelastic and thermal behav-
         recycling of thermosets is still a chal-  recycled by grinding followed by repro-  ior. Twill and plain-woven hemp fabrics
         lenge and thermoplastics have also the  cessing by a number of techniques  were used as reinforcements. The twill
         advantage of providing a greater flexi-  such as injection molding [64].  fabric was found to be suitable for re-
         bility in the design [11,30].                                         inforcing a PLA resin with higher im-
                                            Hemp fibers are renewable and can be  pact strength and better thermal and
         Resin transfer molding, sheet molding  incinerated at the end of the material  viscoelastic behavior than the plain
         compound, pultrusion, vacuum-assist-  lifetime. From an eco-performance  woven one, due to fewer intersections
         ed resin transfer molding, and hand  point of view, mechanical recycling is  and closer packing of the twill fabrics.
         layup are the most common process-  favored over thermal recycling in the
         ing methods for thermoset composites.  case of natural fiber-reinforced com-  Synthetic and Hemp
         Vacuum-assisted methods are used to  posites. Problems associated with ther-  Fiber-Reinforced Composites
         produce thermoset composites for   mal degradation during recycling and  Synthetic and hemp fiber-reinforced
         high-end applications. The advantag-  reprocessing may significantly lower  composites have been used to en-
         es of vacuum-assisted methods are  the eco-performance of natural fiber  hance the performance and properties
         the following: (1) high fiber content lam-  composites. Life-cycle assessment  of the resultant composite materials as
         inates, (2) lower void contents, and (3)  studies show that the advantage of  well as reduce moisture absorption and
         improved fiber wet-out due to pressure  natural fibers over glass fibers are  balance the fiber’s cost [70]. As sug-
         [11,61]. Sèbe et al. [62] manufactured  mainly related to their low weight rath-  gested by Sature and Mache [31], the
         hemp fiber-reinforced polyester com-  er than recyclability [65].     reinforcement of natural fibers with
         posites using resin transfer molding                                  glass fibers may work as a skin pro-
         (RTM). They obtained good quality        Hemp Fiber-Reinforced        tection.
         parts with high flexural properties. How-  Hybrid Composites
         ever, the impact strength of these                                    Samanta et al. [71] performed a com-
                                            Hybridization in polymeric materials
         materials was found to be fairly low to                               parative study on hemp/glass fiber and
                                            can be extended to a blend of one or
         compete with glass fiber in structural                                bamboo/glass fiber hybrid reinforced
                                            more polymers reinforced with one or
         applications.                                                         epoxy composites. It was found that
                                            more types of fibers. Hybridization pro-
                                                                               hemp/glass fiber hybrid composites
           Recycling of Thermoplastic and   vides new opportunities to broaden the  have a higher strength under compres-
            Thermoset Polymeric Matrices    applicability and improve the proper-  sive load than bamboo/glass fiber hy-
                                            ties of composite materials, especial-  brid composites, whereas under ten-
         Recyclability is becoming increasing-  ly in high-end applications [3,7].  sile load the opposite scenario was
         ly important. A major advantage of ther-  Hence, hybrid composites can provide  observed.
         moplastics over thermosets is the abil-  a high stiffness and strength, improve
         ity to reuse the material. Thermoplas-  the impact and fatigue resistance, pro-  The effects of water absorption on the
         tics can be heated above their melt tem-  vide high fracture toughness, and si-  mechanical properties of hemp and
         perature and reformed into a new   multaneously cut the weight and/or  hemp/glass fiber hybrid reinforced
         shape. The thermoset composites can  total cost [66,67].              polypropylene composites were inves-
         be recycled by three methods: (1)                                     tigated by Panthapulakkal and Sain
         chemical recycling refers to process-  In addition, textile engineering has pro-  [26].
         es like pyrolysis in which the material  vided affordable solutions for produc-
                                                                               Hemp fiber-reinforced PP composites
         is heated in an oxygen-free environ-  ing hybrid fabrics, with controlled fiber
                                                                               showed a significant reduction in
         ment to produce one or more recover-  content, fiber orientation, and roving
                                                                               strength and stiffness due to the ab-
         able substances, (2) in particle recy-  texture. The most commonly hybrid
                                                                               sorbed moisture, which resulted in the
         cling, the thermoset composite is me-  fabrics used as reinforcement are plain
                                                                               debonding of the matrix–fiber interface.
         chanically milled into particles to be  (warp fibers alternately weave over and
                                                                               The hybrid composites had a signifi-
         used as a filler in new plastic or com-  under the weft fiber in a regular pat-
                                                                               cantly decreased water absorption by
         posite applications as a replacement  tern), twill (one or more warp fibers al-
                                                                               40%, although the incorporation of
         for calcium carbonate or talc, and (3)  ternately wave under or over the weft
                                                                               glass fiber did not have any significant
         energy recycling refers to the possibil-  fibers and are repeated in a regular
                                                                               effect on the strength properties of the
         ity of incinerating the material to re-  manner), and satin (twill weave modi-
                                                                               aged composites.
         cover energy from its organic portion  fied with fewer intersections of weft
         [63]. Similar to thermoset composites,  and warp) [4,68].             Akil et al. [16] studied the effect of
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