Page 43 - New Cloth Market December 2022 Digital Edition
P. 43

Industrial Hemp Fibers: An Overview

         tomotive, composites, fiberboard, heat-  to 30% stronger for the same weight  Advanced research and progress have
         insulating materials [25,42], and build-  and exhibit a non-brittle fracture on  gone into increasing hemp fibers’ me-
         ing construction, for example, in fiber-  impact, which is an important require-  chanical performance through surface
         reinforced concrete [19,25,92]. Tran et  ment for interior automotive plastic  treatments in order to improve their
         al. [93] showed that hemp concrete can  components [97].              wettability and dimensional stability as
         decrease daily indoor relative humidi-                                well as increase the interfacial bond-
         ty variations and reduce energy con-  An increasing number of car models  ing between matrix and fibers. The most
         sumption by 45% as compared to cel-  are using natural fiber-reinforced poly-  promising application for hemp fibers
         lular concrete. Recent studies have  meric composites in door panels, in-  is as reinforcement in polymeric com-
         shown that hemp fibers can also be  struments panels, engine covers, sun  posites or through hybridization. Hybrid-
         employed for sound insulation and/or  visors, and air filters, and the number  ization allows the possibility of over-
         sound absorption [94].             of applications are expanding to more  coming the limitations and provides
                                            structural components such as seat  new opportunities to broaden the ap-
         New research for hemp fiber applica-
                                            backs and exterior underfloor paneling  plicability of hemp fibers in high-end
         tions are in sporting goods or musical
                                            [20,46].                           applications. It is worth mentioning that
         instruments due to their higher vibra-
                                                                               hemp fiber hybrid composites bring a
         tion-damping capacity than that of syn-       Conclusions             competitive market to various indus-
         thetic fibers [43] as well as reinforce-
                                                                               trial applications.
         ments in brake pad applications. The  Industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa) has
         modified formula for brake pads con-  been extensively researched over re-  Industrial hemp is being used in a num-
         tains natural hemp fibers and a    cent years for the development of new  ber of industries such as textiles, au-
         geopolymer as a fraction replacement  materials and is getting more attention  tomotive, composites, fiberboard, heat-
         for synthetic Kevlar fibers and phenol-  as a possible alternative replacement  insulating materials, in fiber-reinforced
         ic resin, respectively [95]. The auto-  for synthetic fibers. Interest is warranted  concrete, sound insulation and/or
         mobile industry is constantly search-  due to its low density, high specific  sound absorption as well as in sport-
         ing for eco-friendly materials to use in  strength and stiffness, as well as the  ing goods or musical instruments or
         its products; therefore, the most re-  fact that hemp fibers have a relatively  as reinforcements in brake pad appli-
         searched and expanding application for  low cost, are from renewable resourc-  cations. However, more research is
         hemp fibers and natural fibers, in gen-  es, and the wastes are 100% biode-  needed to expand their application
         eral, is as reinforcement in polymeric  gradable. However, the major disadvan-  range and improve their properties. The
         composites in automotive applications,  tages of hemp fibers are their inherit-  biodegradability issue is one problem
         such as those described in Table 5  ed hydrophilic character, low resis-  that must be explored when research-
         [27,29,96]. Composites reinforced with  tance to microorganisms, low thermal  ing hemp fiber composite applications
         natural fibers such as hemp can be an  stability, and variability in their proper-  and considering long life-cycle appli-
         alternative to glass fiber-reinforced  ties because they depend on growth  cations along with the reproducibility
         composites, because they can be 25%  conditions and maturity.         of these composites’ final properties.

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