Page 68 - New Cloth Market November 2022 Digital Edition
P. 68


           by the Ministry of Textiles under the
           NTTM to develop and implement stan-
           dards for the technical textiles items
           and produce and market quality prod-
           ucts that are at par with international
           She highlighted that one of the most
           prominent applications of technical
           textiles is in protective segment,
           which are used for its functional per-
           formance in the areas of protection.
           Focus should be on indigenization of
           technology and implementation of
           quality standards in niche Protech
           items, given the spur in global de-
           mand and usage for Protech products,
           she further added.
           Ms. Roop Rashi, Textile Commissioner,
           Ministry of Textiles, Government of
           India, in her address she mentioned
           that there is a need to focus on out-
           come-oriented R&D in the sector, and
           given Ministry of Textiles’ focus on
           R&D which is a major component of
           the NTTM, tremendous growth is an-
           ticipated in the coming years. She
           apprised about the Government’s ef-
           forts on resolving issues in this sec-
           tor in terms of credit support, subsi-
           dy support, facilitation of investment
           flow among others. She mentioned
           that the Technical Textiles industry will
                                             cation ecosystem and skilled work-  Mission etc. He highlighted that the
           be a catalyst to fulfil India’s vision of
                                             force in the field of technical textiles  Government of India is promoting in-
           Industry 4.0.
                                             with the development of new courses  digenous manufacture of technical
           Mr. Rajeev Saxena, Joint Secretary,  & laboratory infrastructure in techni-  textiles to explore the global opportu-
           Ministry of Textiles, Government of  cal textiles, amongst others to pro-  nities and cater to the domestic de-
           India, presented on the credentials of  mote the growth of technical textiles  mand as well.
           Indian technical textiles market, es-  in India.
                                                                               Mr. Amit Agarwal, Chairman, ITTA,
           pecially protech, to the august gath-
                                             Mr. Raj Kumar Jain, Chairman, NITRA,  highlighted that protective textiles are
           ering of the conclave. He emphasized
                                             said that the market for Technical Tex-  not only used in fire scenarios, but
           on the National Technical Textiles Mis-
                                             tiles is expanding as the products are  have wider usage in many hazardous
           sion (NTTM) and its components in-
                                             being put to use by an ever-increas-  prone activities related to energy
           cluding Research, Development and
                                             ing number of end users in various  transmission, radiation energy,
           Innovation; Skilling, Training and Ed-
                                             industries such as protective wear,  amongst others. He stated that there
           ucation; Promotion and Market Devel-
                                             agriculture, amongst others. Further-  exists a huge potential for protective
           opment; and Export Promotion.
                                             more, with the increase in disposable  textiles in India given increasing ex-
           He highlighted on the various initia-  income, the consumption of techni-  posure to hazards and presence of
           tives undertaken under the mission  cal textiles is expected to increase  five crore people in organized and al-
           such as supporting R&D Projects in  even in retail households in the near  most equal people in unorganized
           niche and strategic Protech areas,  future. He appreciated Ministry of Tex-  sector. India should focus on enhanc-
           QCOs on 12 protech items, among   tiles for launching many Schemes for  ing the standardization for technical
           others. He stated that the Govern-  growth and development of technical  textiles items, he added. He empha-
           ment will soon be coming up with  textiles such as PLI scheme, PM   sized that mandation for the use of
           guidelines to support create an edu-  MITRA, National Technical Textiles  technical textiles by user industry

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