Page 65 - New Cloth Market November 2022 Digital Edition
P. 65
CAI Estimates Cotton Crop for 2022- growing regions of the coun-
try. The Committee arrived at
23 Season at 344 Lakh Bales its October estimate of the
cotton crop for the 2022-23
Cotton Association of India (CAI) has released its Octo- season and drew the estimat-
ber estimate of the cotton crop for the season 2022-23 ed cotton balance sheet based
beginning from 1st October 2022. The CAI has retained on the data available from var-
its cotton crop estimate for the 2022-23 season at the ious trade sources, upcountry
same level i.e 344 lakh bales of 170 kgs. each (equiva- associations and other stake-
lent to 365.50 lakh running bales of 160 kgs. each). The holders.
state-wise break-up of the Cotton Production and Balance
Sheet for the season with the corresponding data for the The following are the highlights
previous crop year are enclosed. of the deliberations held at this
meeting: Atul S. Ganatra
The following changes have been made in the state-wise Consumption
production estimates compared to the previous crop esti- President, CAI
mate: The cotton consumption for 2022-23 season is estimated
at 300.00 lakh bales of 170 kgs. each (equivalent to 318.75
State Increase (+)/Decrease (-)
lakh running bales of 160 kgs. each) as against 320 lakh
Punjab 0.50 bales of 170 kgs. each (equivalent to 340.00 lakh running
bales of 160 kgs. each) estimated previously. The previ-
Haryana 2.00
ous year’s consumption estimate was 318 lakh bales of
Gujarat + 2.50 170 kgs. each (equivalent to 337.88 lakh running bales of
160 kgs. each).
The cotton supply estimated by the CAI till end of the
cotton season 2022-23 i.e. upto 30th September 2023 is Production
387.89 lakh bales of 170 kgs. each (equivalent to 412.13 The CAI has retained its production estimate for the sea-
lakh running bales of 160 kgs. each). The total cotton sup- son 2022-23 season at 344 lakh bales of 170 kgs. each
ply consists of the opening stock of 31.89 lakh bales of (equivalent to 365.50 lakh running bales of 160 kgs. each).
170 kgs. each (equivalent to 33.88 lakh running bales of CAI has, however, made changes in the state-wise pro-
160 kgs. each) at the beginning of the cotton season on duction estimates of the season compared to the previ-
1st October 2022, crop for the season estimated at 344 ous crop estimate as given in the Table earlier.
lakh bales of 170 kgs. each (equivalent to 365.50 lakh
running bales of 160 kgs. each) and the imports for the Imports
season estimated by the CAI at the same level at 12 lakh The import of 12 lakh bales of 170 kgs. each (equivalent
bales of 170 kgs. each (equivalent to 12.75 lakh running to 12.75 lakh running bales of 160 kgs. each) estimated
bales of 160 kgs. each). The import estimated by the CAI by the CAI for the crop year 2022-23 is less by 2 lakh
for the corresponding year 2021-22 was at 14 lakh bales bales than the import estimate of 14 lakh bales of 170
of 170 kgs. each (equivalent to 14.88 lakh running bales kgs. each (equivalent to 14.88 lakh running bales of 160
of 160 kgs. each). kgs. each) for the crop year 2021-22.
The exports for the season have been estimated at 30 Exports
lakh bales of 170 kgs. each (equivalent to 31.88 lakh run-
The exports for the season 2022-23 are estimated at 30
ning bales of 160 kgs. each) which is less by 5 lakh bales
lakh bales of 170 kgs. each (equivalent to 31.88 lakh run-
than estimated previously. The exports estimate for the
ning bales of 160 kgs. each) and are less by 13 lakh bales
previous cotton season 2021-22 was 43 lakh bales of 170
than the exports estimate of 43.00 lakh bales of 170 kgs.
kgs. each (equivalent to 45.69 lakh running bales of 160
each (equivalent to 45.69 lakh running bales of 160 kgs.
kgs. each). The carry-over stock which was earlier esti-
each) for the crop year 2021-22.
mated at 32.89 lakh bales of 170 kgs. each (equivalent to
34.95 lakh running bales of 160 kgs. each) is now esti- Arrivals
mated at 57.89 lakh bales of 170 kgs. each (equivalent to
Indian cotton arrivals during the month of October 2022
61.51 lakh bales of 160 kgs. each).
are estimated at 18.35 lakh bales of 170 kgs. each (equiv-
Highlights of Deliberations Held by the CAI Crop Com- alent to 19.50 lakh running bales of 160 kgs. each).
mittee on 14th November 2022 Closing Stock as on 30th September 2023
The Crop Committee of the Cotton Association (CAI) held Closing stock as on 30th September 2023 is estimated
its meeting on Monday, the 14th November 2022, which by the Committee at 57.89 lakh bales of 170 kgs. each
was attended by 20 members representing various cotton (equivalent to 61.51 lakh running bales of 160 kgs. each).