Page 64 - New Cloth Market November 2022 Digital Edition
P. 64


         Relating to the import               fee. compensation penalty. But when  safe-trading/bylaws-rules/
                                              the price of cotton is high, the seller
         of cotton by Vietnamese              calmly delays delivery, late delivery,  * ICA has a quality comparison table
                                                                                 “Value differences VDC” to compare
         yarn enterprises and                 "dripping" delivery, causing business-  cotton qualities from around the
                                              es to lose more time and costs to
         the irrationality of cot-            receive goods at the port without the  world. Referees will also rely on these
                                                                                 tables to consider variations in cot-
                                              Shipper having to bear any conse-
         ton import trade trans-              quences. any penalties for being late.  ton quality. Therefore, the parties
                                                                                 should rely on this table as a basis
         actions                            - In addition to the delayed delivery,  for negotiation. Reference at: https:/
                                              Shipper also delivered the wrong   /
         Reply to Official Letter No. 600/XNK-
                                              quality cotton compared to the com-
         CN, dated October 7, 2022 of the Im-                                  * The contract should specify the
                                              mitment in the contract. They are
         port-Export Department, Ministry of                                     terms used in the laws referenced,
                                              willing to accept fines and compen-
         Industry and Trade                                                      and further clarify if necessary to
                                              sation in accordance with the provi-
                                                                                 serve as a basis for resolution in the
         Regarding the import of cotton by Viet-  sions of the ICA law. However, the  event of a dispute.
         namese yarn enterprises and the un-  level of compensation based on the
         reasonable issue in the commercial   ICA code is very low compared to  * Penalties as well as compensation
         transaction of importing cotton, ac-  the value in the contract. As a re-  should be clearly stated in the con-
         cording to the information stated in the  sult, the shipper is still profitable, and  tract if the buyer pays late, or when
         official dispatch No. 600/XNK-CN, dat-  the party that suffers is still the cot-  the seller fails to deliver the goods
         ed October 7, 2022 of the The Import-  ton buyer.                       on time or of the wrong quality.
         Export Department, Ministry of Indus-
                                            Measures:                          * Before signing a contract, the par-
         try and Trade, attached to the docu-                                    ties need to negotiate carefully about
         ment No. E-40463264-519/78622660,  * Vietnamese enterprises often care-  the laws; penalty, compensation, as
         dated September 29, 2022 of the Turk-  fully choose reputable partners for  well as should identify the seller, the
         ish Embassy, the Vietnam Cotton and  long-term business. Avoid unneces-  number of years of trading experi-
         Yarn Association (VCOSA) has the     sary troubles.
                                                                                 ence of the seller, to be able to have
         following response:                * Respecting the commitments in the  a safe transaction.
         Some reflections of Vietnamese yarn  contract, businesses accept to sac-  * Choose a reputable partner with a
         enterprises (DN) are based on the cur-  rifice their interests when the world  safe transaction history to sign a
         rent general situation. Through the busi-  cotton market fluctuates.
         ness trip and field survey of VCOSA  * Linking and uniting domestic yarn en-
         together with the International Cotton  terprises, together with VCOSA to de-  Suggestions:
         Association (ICA) in October 2022, we  nounce cotton trading units of dis-  After the visit and survey of VCOSA
         have recorded the following informa-  trust and violations in the transac-  and ICA, synthesizing comments from
         tion:                                tion process.                    the parties, VCOSA proposed a num-
         - Vietnamese enterprises importing  * Linking and uniting global yarn en-  ber of contents to be able to solve the
           cotton from abroad are affected by  terprises, together with VCOSA and  problem of unfair mechanism between
           the unfair compensation mechanism  the World Yarn Industry Associations,  cotton sellers and buyers. leading to
           as stated in the note. Normally, dur-  propose and recommend to ICA to  unreasonableness in long-term com-
           ing the performance of the contract,  make reasonable and reasonable ad-  mercial transactions:
           if the Vietnamese yarn company (un-  justments to the set of rules and reg-  - The priority and urgent action is to
           derstood as the buyer) is late in open-  ulations to protect the rights and in-  petition the ICA to impose a penalty
           ing the Letter of Credit (L/C), com-  terests of consumers. and benefits  fee on the “Seller” based on the prin-
           pensation will be imposed. However,  both parties to buy and sell cotton  ciple of fairness.
           in the opposite direction, the Ship-  at the same time instead of favoring  - In order for the above action to be
           per (understood as the seller) is not  only one side of the seller.   effective, we, VCOSA and Vietnam-
           subject to the same penalty.
                                            * In addition, businesses need to un-  ese yarn enterprises fully support and
         - Referring to the unfairness, the most  derstand and understand the Regu-  will contribute to this petitioning pro-
           common case is the disadvantage    lations and rules in the code of the  cess by collective coordination on
           (damage) for the buyer is that when  International Cotton Association ICA  the international level with associa-
           the cotton price is low, Vietnamese  before making cotton purchases.  tions and organizations. competent
           enterprises have not opened the LC  Refer to the Code of Regulations and  authorities in cotton importing coun-
           yet, they will definitely be charged a  Rules at the link:  tries to solve the above problem.

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