Page 60 - New Cloth Market November 2022 Digital Edition
P. 60


         investigation, intelligence, criminal  well as income from foreign direct in-  of garments classified under the “sim-
         prosecution, and penitentiary system.  vestments. Guatemala's GDP per cap-  ple transformation” category, their en-
         The internal courts would continue to  ita registered a growth of 61.38% in  trance into the US is duty free, allow-
         be part of the Honduran judicial sys-  2020, compared to 2010, amounting to  ing garments to be manufactured in El
         tem, although they would be empow-  US$4,603.34, while El Salvador's  Salvador with fabrics from anywhere
         ered to operate autonomously and in-  growth in the same period was 27.33%,  in the world. Some of the garments
         dependently, and could even resort to  amounting to US$3,798.64.      classified in this category are: bras-
         foreign judges, according to the Law                                  sieres, girls' dresses, boxers, pajamas,
                                            According to the US Government's
         that creates this structure, approved                                 and suitcases, among others.
                                            Office of Apparel and  Textiles
         in 2013.
                                            (OTEXA), El Salvador is the twelfth  The following are El Salvador’s
         At the World Textile Industry Summit,  largest supplier of apparel products for  strengths in the textile industry: a fully
         government officials mentioned that  the US, in addition to exporting tex-  integrated supply chain, innovation and
         they regard Honduras as a global tex-  tiles and apparel to more than 50 coun-  adoption of new technologies, quick
         tile hub. At the same summit, inves-  tries.                          delivery to the consumer, and produc-
         tors from around the world showed in-                                 tion with social responsibility, as well
                                            El Salvador's exports of articles of
         terest in the country because of the                                  as access to a skilled labor force and
                                            apparel (Chapter 61 and 62) account
         progress the country has made in en-                                  the possibility of setting up operations
                                            for approximately 30.6% of the coun-
         vironmental issues and the actions it                                 in Free Trade Zones in the country, reg-
                                            try's total exports, and those of tex-
         has taken to improve the quality of life                              ulated by the specific law approved in
                                            tiles constitute 1.59% of total exports,
         of maquila employees. Some of the                                     El Salvador in 1998.
                                            according to 2020 data. Due to this
         companies showing interest in estab-
                                            year's crisis brought on by pandemic,  In 2017 CAMTEX launched the 2030
         lishing operations in Honduras are:
                                            Chapter 61 exports dropped by 37%,  Plan with goals that included increas-
         Nike, Adidas, Under Armour, Diesel,
                                            while Chapter 62 exports fell more dras-  ing the competitiveness and develop-
         and fashion firms from Italy.
                                            tically, by 51%. The main destination  ment of the activity in the future. Some
                   EL SALVADOR              for articles of apparel was the US, with  of the proposals were to improve the
                                            a share of more than 80%.          quality of the final product by adding
         The textile industry is important due
                                                                               more value, to use the communication
         to its contribution to the country's eco-  The Textile and Apparel Sector in El
                                                                               tools offered by the Internet, including
         nomic dynamics. It accounts for 40%  Salvador
                                                                               e-commerce. Another goal is to make
         of exports, employs 75,000 direct
                                            El Salvador's textile and apparel indus-  short and fashion-oriented runs, thus
         workers and 200,000 indirect workers,
                                            try has been classified as one of the  focusing on quality rather than quanti-
         which constitute 43% of the jobs in the
                                            main economic drivers since the    ty.
         country's industry, according to data
                                            1950s. Its development was boosted
         from Cámara de la Industria Textil,                                   Other Plan 2030 goals are related to
                                            in the 1980s with the increase in ex-
         Confección y Zonas Francas de El                                      increasing exports to the US, consoli-
                                            ports to the US, as a result of the Car-
         Salvador (Chamber of the Textile, Cloth-                              dating a synthetic-fabric cluster to at-
                                            ibbean Basin Initiative (CBI), and ac-
         ing and Free Zones Industry of El Sal-                                tract local and foreign investment in
                                            tivities almost exclusively related to
         vador–CAMTEX in Spanish). Further-                                    new sub-segments, establishing aca-
                                            assembly, whereby materials were re-
         more, according to the Fourth Quar-                                   demic institutions with curricula to train
                                            ceived, transformed, and sent to the
         terly Economic and Regulatory Perfor-                                 human resources in textiles and ap-
                                            US as a finished product.
         mance Report of the Salvadoran As-                                    parel, design and pattern making; and
         sociation of Industrialists (presented in  As a result of the Free Trade Agree-  developing a new textile industry.
         January 2022), more than 81,000 jobs  ment (DR-CAFTA) signed by the US,
                                                                               The Organismo Promotor de Inver-
         had been generated as of October   Central America, and the Dominican
                                                                               siones y Exportaciones de El Salva-
         2021, which denotes a year-on-year  Republic (2004), textile trade is tariff
                                                                               dor (Exports and Investment Promo-
         increase of 7.5% (over 5,350 jobs,  free.
                                                                               tion Agency of El Salvador–PROESA
                                            In the Central American region there  in Spanish) promotes El Salvador as
         According to World Bank data, El Sal-  is a shortage of fabrics, especially  the only country that has managed to
         vador's exports amounted to US$5.05  those produced with synthetic fibers  develop a complete synthetic cluster
         billion, and Guatemala's exports   (nylon, microfibers, and others). This  in the Central American region and
         amounted to US$11.6 billion, roughly  poses an opportunity because of the  uses this fact to promote the industry
         twice as much as that of El Salvador.  country’s preferential access to the  as a leader in the development, pro-
         On the other hand, Guatemala's eco-  US, since garments coming from oth-  duction, and export of high value-add-
         nomic indicators are more favorable,  er regions, such as Asia, pay a 32%  ed textile products. To achieve this, the
         tripling El Salvador's GDP in 2020, as  tariff when entering the US. In the case  industry sector, and the Government
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