Page 58 - New Cloth Market November 2022 Digital Edition
P. 58


         (mirror data available in TradeMap). Its
         aim is to understand the share of the
         main countries supplying these inputs
         in the value chain of the finished gar-
         ment industry.
         The Textile and Apparel Sector in

         Most of the companies (maquila in
         general) are members of the Asoci-
         ación Hondureña de Maquiladores
         (Honduran Manufacturer’s Associa-
         tion–AHM in Spanish) 1. In 2014 it reg-
         istered 265 affiliated companies; in
         2018 it registered 306 companies, and
         as of 2022 it has already registered 319
         companies. Seventy-two of them are
         apparel-manufacturing companies and
         19 are textile and spinning companies
         (the rest of them include other special-
         ties not related to textiles). Most of  ment for Goods and Services between  finished product when the fabrics are
         them are located in San Pedro Sula,  Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, and  made from continuous natural, synthet-
         followed by Choloma, which is the sec-  Mexico was signed. It did not include  ic, or artificial fibers, not carded or
         ond municipality with more companies  the textile sector and its manufactur-  combed or otherwise prepared for spin-
         in Free Trade Zones, according to  ing by Honduras, but Guatemala and  ning, chemical materials, or textile
         AHM's data.                        El Salvador did include it. In that same  pulp.
                                            year, 2000, the US approved the Ex-
         More than 2,000 micro-enterprises                                     The textile manufacturing industry in
                                            pansion of Benefits of the Caribbean
         have flourished around this textile in-                               Honduras is focused on achieving the
                                            Basin Initiative Act (CBI) or Caribbean
         dustry development in the Choloma                                     highest production at the lowest pos-
                                            Basin Trade Partnership Act between
         area, in addition to the spread of the                                sible cost. According to AHM data,
                                            the US and the Caribbean countries,
         informal sector that provides comple-                                 90% of the jobs in maquilas are per-
                                            which provided relief to the industry
         mentary services to maquila workers,                                  formed by young women with no for-
                                            recession that had begun the previous
         such as cabs, restaurants, urban trans-                               mal education.
         portation, banks, cooperatives, enter-
                                                                               Currently, the textile industry has in-
         tainment venues, etc. The Government  This law allows countries to export their
                                                                               vestment from countries such as the
         has invested in social projects such  products to the US market on equal
                                                                               US, Canada, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Ger-
         as childcare centers and parks, sew-  terms with Mexico, by exempting val-
                                                                               many, Denmark, France, Korea, Mexi-
         age treatment plants, and other social  ue-added export taxes or reducing them
                                                                               co, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Cos-
         projects.                          with preferential tariffs, as a result of
                                                                               ta Rica, among others. Garments are
                                            having signed NAFTA. It applies to all
         Municipal governments have also ben-  products made with fabric manufac-  produced in the country for brands such
         efited from the maquilas by increasing  tured and cut in the US. A quota of  as JC Penney, SanMar, Nordstrom,
         their revenues through the increased  250 million square meters of fabric  Dickies, HBI, Nike and Adidas, among
         income of maquila employees. This  woven in the region was established  others. In addition, the country produc-
         higher income also generates increased  for the manufacture of other types of  es its own brands, the most important
         cash flow, which boosts commercial  garments and a quota of 4.2 million  of which is Lovable, an underwear brand
         activity and with it, taxes on industry,  dozen for T-shirts made with fabric  that is established in the region with
         commerce, and services; permits for  woven regionally. The quotas were dis-  stores in the Dominican Republic, Par-
         business operations and construction  tributed among the beneficiary coun-  aguay, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Pana-
         permits, and real estate. The need for  tries as per agreement among them.  ma, El Salvador, and other countries.
         more housing and the withholding of                                   Elcatex (Elásticos Centroamericanos
         municipal personal income tax paid by  Europe also grants preferential tariffs  y Textiles) founded in 1984, is owned
         maquila employees has also in-     to apparel exports from Honduras, with  by the Canahuati family, operates in
         creased.                           the issuance of a Form A certificate  the Choloma Maquila Zone. It employs
                                            of origin to manufacture knitted fabric  6,000 people and has an innovation
         In the year 2000, the Free Trade Agree-  in the country, conferring origin to the  center, which works in conjunction with

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