Page 21 - New Cloth Market December 2022 Digital Edition
P. 21
water are precipitated. Moreover, precipitates of To study the Washing-off efficiency of Sarakol-
calcium and magnesium soaps adhere to the fab- AD in hard water
rics. The sticky precipitate adheres on the fabric
giving spots and streaks which will eventually ham- Dyeing of cotton fabric was carried out with 6% C.I.
per quality of final fabric. Therefore, the lack of right Reactive Red 152 as per the standard procedure.
firsttime dyeing are very frequent and leads to the After the completion of dyeing process, the fabrics
necessity of corrective reprocessing such as re- were subjected for washing off treatment with Sara-
dyeing or stripping which unnecessarily increases kol-AD. The washing off efficiency of the fabrics were
the additional consumption of resources such as then evaluated by performing the laundry test in 150
dyestuff and auxiliaries, time, and also increases ppm calcium hardness. The fabrics were run in the
the cost of production. Corrective reprocessing also 150ppm hard water at 90°C for 30 min. keeping MLR
consumes additional water, energy and generates - 1:20. The staining on adjacent white fabric was
more effluent. With this background, Sarex has de- checked and assessed.
veloped a multifunctional auxiliary, Sarakol-AD,
Product Performance Data
which will effectively perform in presence of hard
water. Sarakol-AD, to some extent, will help to Dispersing efficiency in presence of Hard water
achieve the right first-time dyeing. It's use at vari-
ous stages in textile processing will save the extra
washing/rinsing baths which would otherwise be man-
datory for wet processing operations in hard water.
Unique Features
* Sarakol-AD is a washing off agent for reactive
dyed and printed cellulosic fibres and their blends
effective in presence of electrolyte.
* It improves the solubility of reactive dyes under
adverse conditions of dyeing’s such as low li-
quor ratio, hardness in water, poor solubility of From the above image, it could be clearly seen that
the reactive dye has been precipitated in 500 ppm
* Preferential sequestering action on calcium hard water in absence of Sarakol-AD, whereas the
hence prevents precipitation of reactive dyes in reactive dye solution prepared in hard water con-
presence of calcium. taining 1.5% Sarakol-AD does not show precipita-
tion which indicates the efficiency of Sarakol-AD.
* Good dispersing properties with reactive and di-
Sarakol-AD protects the dyestuff from precipitation
rect dyes enabling level dyeing.
in presence of hard water.
* Good dye bath conditioner for package dyeing.
Washing off efficiency of Sarakol-AD in presence
* Does not complex with dyestuffs hence colour
of hard water
yield or tone of the fabric is not affected.
Materials and Methods: The washing off efficiency of Sarakol-AD was eval-
uated in 150ppm hard water. The staining on adja-
Materials: 100% Cotton fabric
cent white fabric was checked after the completing
Chemicals: Sarakol-AD the soaping treatment.
Dyestuffs: C.I. Reactive Red 152 and Orange 122
To study the Dispersing efficiency of Sarakol-
AD in hard water – Reactive dye dissolution
Reactive dye solution (0.5% C.I. Reactive Orange
122) was prepared in 500 ppm hard water in ab-
sence and presence of 1.5% Sarakol-AD. The reac-
tive dye molecules tend to precipitate in presence
of hard water. The precipitation formed in the dye
solution was checked by drop test on whatmann From the photograph it could be seen that in both
filter paper. Formation of dye precipitate indicates the conditions, Sarakol-AD is performing efficiently
the salting out of reactive dyes because of calcium which indicates that multiple rinsing steps after dy-
salts present in hard water. If no precipitation ob- ing which are currently being practiced, could be
served, it indicates that reactive dye molecules are avoided leading to saving in huge amount of water
in active form. and energy resources.