Page 19 - New Cloth Market December 2022 Digital Edition
P. 19

Seeds in Textile Packaging

                               The German Institutes for Textile and Fiber Research Denkendorf (DITF)
                               has developed technical textiles for agriculture together with ESKUSA
                               GmbH. Under the umbrella of the DITF, work is being carried out on
                               all future textile topics in three research areas - textile chemistry and
                               chemical fibers, textile and process engineering and management re-
                               search. The affiliated ITV Denkendorf Produktservice GmbH, which
                               as a technology transfer center provides the market with a wide range
                               of services, supports these activities.

                                    The research funded by the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture.

                      In order for seed to sprout optimally, it can
                      be “packed” beforehand. This creates small
                      balls, which is why the process is called
                  EXECUTIVE  P
                      "pilling". The advantages are obvious: the
                      seed becomes "grippy", all seeds get a
                      uniform size and weight and very small
                      seeds get more volume. This makes it
                      easier to place the seed in the ground with
                      machines. Textile coverings are particu-
                      larly suitable as packaging because, un-
                      like plastics such as PAV, they are biode-
                      gradable. In contrast to seeds embedded
                      in gelatin capsules or alginate, the textile
                      seed packaging can be excellently
                      functionalized. They are equipped with nu-
                      trients for the growing plants and sub-
                      stances such as activated carbon protect
                      against pests.

                                                           Up to now, the production of these multipills could not be
                                                           standardized in commercially available pilling machines, it
                                                           requires a great deal of sensitivity and leads to different num-
                                                           bers of seeds within a pill for each pilling batch. It is not un-
                                                           common for entire seed batches to become unusable during
                                                           the process.
                                                           In the "Mufus" project, a modular seeding line was therefore
                                                           developed with which the seed of one or more plant species
                                                           can be placed in a textile, deep-drawn seed container in pre-
                                                           cise doses. The heart of the sowing line is a drum sowing
                                                           machine that has been modified so that it sows the seed in a
                                                           deep-drawn endless textile web instead of propagation trays.
                      After extensive tests, a cotton fleece was The sown textile web is closed with a second textile web and
                      selected as the material, the textile struc- separated into individual seed packets. The seedlings pack-
                      ture of which quickly yields when seed- aged in pills enable direct sowing of many plants - the prereq-
                      ling pushes outwards to the surface.  uisite for large-scale agricultural cultivation.

                                                NCM-DECEBER 2022
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