Page 70 - New Cloth Market December 2022 Digital Edition
P. 70


                  Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)                  The European textile sector is facing major chal-
                                                               lenges to implement the green transition. CLEANTEX
           In summary, the four phases of Life Cycle Assessment
                                                               aims to develop customised training materials for
           (LCA) consist of assessing each of the environmental
                                                               companies and university students in the textile sec-
           effects generated throughout the life of the product, i.e.
                                                               tor about circular economy and eco-design to boost
           from the sources of primary resources (from its "cradle")
                                                               their innovation potential to thrive sustainable solu-
           to its consumption and final disposal (to its "grave").
                                                               tions. In this context, the CLEANTEX project will
           This makes it possible to identify the impacts on the
                                                               develop the tools for the upskilling of the textile sec-
           different environmental compartments beyond the
                                                               tor and particularly higher education students.
           boundaries of the production plant. The life of a product
           starts at the design and development of the product
           and ends at the end-of-life activities (reuse, recycling,
           etc.) as shown in the following figure:

                                                              The results of Cleantex Project were presented by Prof.
                                                              Andrej Demšar, from the University of Ljubljana (UL),
                                                              Slovenia, in continuation of the lecture series on
                                                              Sustainability-Circular Economy-Education. The 5th
                  Figure: Phases of a textile life cycle      meeting of the Cleantex consortium was held in Sep-
                                                              tember at Ljubljana, Slovenia, and was hosted by UL.
           LCA Scope
                                                              Next Transnational Project Meeting will be held in Janu-
           There are different options                        ary 2023, in Roubaix, France.
           to establish the LCA
           scope3, as we can see be-                          lar economy, eco-design, sustainable fibres and materials,
           low:                                               waste management and recycling, sustainable production
                                                              processes, sustainable chemical processes and business
           -  Gate-to-gate the LCA fo-                        and quality management.
              cuses only at one value-
              added process in the en-                        The guide contains 18 success stories from companies in
              tire production chain.                          the sector, 4 of them from AEI Tèxtils’ members.

           -  Cradle-to-gate is an                            On the other hand, FACTIVE aimed at enhancing the qual-
              assessm ent of a prod-                          ity and relevance of the sector’s learning offer developing
              uct life cycle from re-                         an innovative learning approach to improve the level and
              source    extraction   Cradle to Cradel         the assessment of learners’ competences and equalize the
              (cradle) to the factory                         quality of professional training with the current needs of
              gate.                                           the European textile industry.
           -  Cradle to grave covers
                                                              The result are two guidelines to apply the Flipped Class-
              the range from extraction
                                                              room methodology, with some principles and proposals for
              of raw materials from the
                                                              trainers. The guidelines detail, among other aspects, some
              earth to manufacturing,
                                                              key factors to involve students. They also contain litera-
              product use and recy-
                                                              ture on the flipped classroom model applied to the textile
              cling/disposal at the end.
                                                              sector, resources such as gamification during the learning
           -  Cradle-to-cradle in this                        process, some scenarios that can be given in the class-
              case the scope closed
                                     Figure: Different scopes  room and examples of different flipped classroom models
              the loop production.   of LCA                   to apply in depending on the trainer’s level of expertise.
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