Page 57 - New Cloth Market December 2022 Digital Edition
P. 57

Indian Scenario of Cotton Hybrid Technology, Reseach Projects & Recommendations

         patna) South Zone (Dharwad, Cham-
         rajanagar, LAM, Adilabad & Perambal-

              PGR for optimum morpho
              frame and enhanced yield

         Plant growth and development are reg-
         ulated by natural plant hormones; these
         processes may be influenced either by
         altering the plant hormone level or by
         changing the capacity of the plant re-
         sponse to natural hormones. Bt cot-
         ton, the plant morpho frame doesn’t
         develop fully due to early switch over
         to reproductive phase under resource
         constraints condition. Modification of               Plant Production Panel Discussion
         morpho frame by agrochemicals could  Effect of growth retardant on physio-  ents of  organic   cotton  and Bt
         greatly help in dispensing away these  logical parameters and productivity of  varieties
         limitations.                       compact genotypes                  Implementing Centres: Hisar, Surat
         Objectives:                        The objective is to study the effect of  and Dharwad
                                            continuous application of growth retar-
         1. To assess the effect of growth pro-                                        Scientists selected
                                            dant on physiological parameters and
            moters and retardant on productiv-                                         for presentations
                                            productivity of compact genotypes.
            ity of cotton.                                                     1. Dr. S.G. Hanchinal, Scientist, UAS,
                                            Implementing Centres: Hisar (North
         2. To assess the effect of growth pro-  Zone); Surat (Central Zone); LAM and  Raichur, Karnataka
            moters and retardant on architec-  Dharwad (South Zone)            2. Dr. Annie Diana Grace, Scientist,
            tural changes.                                                        RARS, Lam, Guntur
                                                   Use of Defoliants to
         Implementing Centres: North Zone      facilitate mechanical picking   3. Dr. Poornima Matti, Scientist, ARS,
         (Hisar), Central Zone (Surat), South                                     Dharwad
                                            The objective is to study the effect of
         Zone (Dharwad & Lam)
                                            Defoliants on growth & Yield of cotton.  Based on the reports received, presen-
                                            Implementing Centres: Surat and    tations made and discussion held, the
            Preparing for climate change -                                     following suggestions/comments were
             Growth and development of      Junagadh (Central Zone); Coimbatore
            arboreum cotton in response     (CICR), LAM and Dharwad (South     made:
                to growth regulators        Zone)                              -  It has been observed that the pop-
                                            Screening of Cotton genotypes for abi-  ulations of pink bollworm remain the
         The objective is to assess the effect                                    same in Bt and not Bt crops, which
                                            otic stress tolerance, estimation of for
         of flower inducing PGRs on perfor-                                       confirm the development of resis-
                                            seed oil, gossypol and protein
         mance of late sown arboreum cotton.                                      tance in pink bollworm. It is a seri-
         Desi cotton is known for tolerance of  Pre released cultures are screened for  ous concern that needs to be ad-
         abiotic stress. However, the land rac-  abiotic stress tolerance and estimation  dressed with the utmost priority.
         es are known for photo and thermo  of for seed oil, gossypol and protein.
         sensitive characters.              The information is useful if released  -  The mating disruption through sex
                                            as variety otherwise utilized as pre  pheromone has already been proved
         Delay sowing observed excessive veg-                                     to be an effective technology to
                                            breeding materials
         etative growth with less or no flower-                                   combat PBW in other countries and
         ing. However, delay sowing by late on-  Objectives:                      also through several experiments in
         set of monsoon is not uncommon by                                        India. It can be deployed on a large-
                                            1. To identify genotypes known for tol-
         climate change. Hence the experiment                                     scale for further demonstration and
                                               erance to drought and salinity
         is proposed to induce flowering by                                       subsequently for practical use. It
         spraying PGRs in desi cotton under  2. Estimation of seed oil, gossypol and  would also ultimately paves the way
         delay sowing situation                protein content of different geno-  for restoring the efficacy of Bt cot-
                                               types/advanced materials           ton against PBW.
         Implementing Centres: Surat (Central
         Zone); LAM and Dharwad (South Zone)  3. Analysis of biochemical  constitu-  -  It is reported that the moths of the

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