Page 54 - New Cloth Market December 2022 Digital Edition
P. 54
Indian Scenario of Cotton Hybrid Technology, Reseach Projects & Recommendations
tive from SAI 7. Representative from
Fertilizer Industries 8. Representative
from Pesticide Industries Member Sec-
retary: Dr. A. H. Prakash, Project Co-
ordinator. Dr. K. Sakthivel, Asst. Prof
(PBG), CRS, Veppanthattai Dr (Mrs) K.
Baghyalakshmi, Scientist, ICAR-
CICR, RS, Coimbatore were the rap-
The following expectations/com-
ments were expressed by the private
partners in the Interactive session:
1. Yield stagnation is being observed
in cotton and there is a need for
new intervention to overcome the
Dr P K Chakrabarty, ASRB Member speech during felicitation
stagnant yield. The reasons for yield
plateau are restricted money flow public sector need to be evaluated Dr. A. H. Prakash, Project Coordinator
to the research where the breeders for yield potential and that could be (ICAR-AICRP on Cotton) and Head,
lose their motivation due to lack of shared with the private agencies. ICAR-CICR Regional Station, Coim-
resources. The rate of introduction batore listed and addressed the points
8. Small companies should be given
of new genetic stocks has slowed raised by different companies.
opportunity to test or to forward the
ICAR released technologies. 1. A committee under the chairman-
2. The duration of testing for release ship of Prof. B.S. Dhillon, Former
9. To promote hybrid cultivation devel-
of Bt hybrids need to be reduced to Vice Chancellor, Punjab Agricultural
opment with high GOT procurement
2 years of validation from 3 years. University, Ludhiana was constitut-
based on lint yield need to be chan-
Choice of location for testing has ed to ‘Revisiting the guidelines for
to be chosen where the cotton is testing of Bt cotton varieties/hy-
cultivated extensively. Rajasthan 10.Inputs from textile industries need brids under AICRP on cotton’. The
could be included in the central to be looked into to develop variet- committee has recommended that
zone further number of testing lo- ies and hybrids. three years data is must for identi-
cation in Maharashtra should be fication and release of hybrids.
11.Loss of diversity is being observed
proportionate to the area of cotton
in cotton production for which con- 2. There are no agronomy trials for the
sortium for cotton can be estab- release of hybrids based on best
3. The spacing followed in the trials lishedas in other crops as to un- package of practices. If the com-
should be based on the farmers derstand the industry/market need. panies come up with the data, spe-
need and adoption. cial trials will be conducted. The
12.There is a need to formulate proper
entries provided for HDPS should
4. Improvement of Ginning Out Turn guidelines to share the germplasm
have compact stature genetically
(GOT) in India is lacking. GOT has with the private agencies.
and should not depend solely on the
to be raised from 35 to 40 percent
Dr. B. M. Khadi added that there are chemicals applied.
for which variability is needed. Pro-
germplasms and varieties with GOT 40
grammes have to be initiated in a 3. The guidelines from GEAC strictly
percent and these lines could be used.
fast trackmode to reach 40 per cent advocates that the Bt entries need
The private sector entries have GOT
of GOT. to be evaluated only through AICRP
not more than 35 per cent which should
and if the hybrid is found suitable
5. The cotton productivity has to be be improved. To utilize the wild spe-
for particular location, it is encour-
increased through mechanization, cies available with public sector, the
aged for state release through
HDPS, application of plant growth private companies can sign MOU to
regulators etc. receive the pre-breeding stocks. Fibre
strength by length ratio should be in- 4. Now GOT is being given impor-
6. SAUs can be allowed to test the Bt
creased from 1.1 to 1.25. All the cate- tance and only the entries with GOT
cotton variety for a particular place/
gories of cotton need to be given im- more than 37 per cent and on par
location to meet the local need.
portance unlike putting the resource yield are promoted and also will be
7. Huge germplasm available with the into two to three categories of cotton. considered for identification.