Imparting Mosquito Repellent Agents & Assessing Mosquito Repellency on Textile conducted to investigate the toxicity of other impregnated surfaces. The ex- cito chamber also can be evaluated to observe the comparison of mosquito behav- iour on treated and untreated textile. Both methods do not involve human participation. However, the cage test involved hu- man subject as volunteer to test the material may imi- tate the real situa- tion of mosquito biting and may give the accurate results. Conclusion Vector borne disease from mosquitoes are one of the major problem arises. In order to avoid the transmission of dis- eases to other human, fabrics can act as a physical barrier between human skin and the blood sucking mosquito. This review outlines that most com- monly used textile materials to impart the mosquito repellent comes from cotton, polyester and blended fabrics. By using these fabrics, an efficient tex- tile material to treat with the mosquito repellent agent has been proven to demonstrate the good prop- erties. It also showed that there are various techniques of imparting the repellent into the textile substrate which most used methods is a pad dry cure meth- od with microen- capsulation of repel- lents. In this review, it summarized the type of mosquito repellency assess- ment to conduct the efficacy of the impregnated textile. Differences in the findings of the included studies could be attributed to many factors such as type of textile materi- als used or type of technique used to impart repellent. Therefore, it suggested that the suit- able fabrics with a suitable repellent agent with proper methods of mosqui- to repel- lency test is hoped to devel- op a new knowledge to other future study. Competing interests The authors declare that they have no competing interests. References Abou-Donia, M. B. (1996). 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