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                                Imparting Mosquito Repellent Agents & Assessing Mosquito Repellency on Textile
conducted to investigate the toxicity
of other impregnated surfaces. The ex-
cito chamber also can be evaluated to
observe the comparison of mosquito
behav- iour on treated and untreated
textile. Both methods do not involve
human participation.
However, the cage test involved hu-
man subject as volunteer to test the
material may imi- tate the real situa-
tion of mosquito biting and may give
the accurate results.
Vector borne disease from mosquitoes
are one of the major problem arises. In
order to avoid the transmission of dis-
eases to other human, fabrics can act
as a physical barrier between human
skin and the blood sucking mosquito.
This review outlines that most com-
monly used textile materials to impart
the mosquito repellent comes from
cotton, polyester and blended fabrics.
By using these fabrics, an efficient tex-
tile material to treat with the mosquito
repellent agent has been proven to
demonstrate the good prop- erties. It
also showed that there are various
techniques of imparting the repellent
into the textile substrate which most
used methods is a pad dry cure meth-
od with microen- capsulation of repel-
lents. In this review, it summarized the
type of mosquito repellency assess-
ment to conduct the efficacy of the
impregnated textile. Differences in the
findings of the included studies could
be attributed to many factors such as
type of textile materi- als used or type
of technique used to impart repellent.
Therefore, it suggested that the suit-
able fabrics with a suitable repellent
agent with proper methods of mosqui-
to repel- lency test is hoped to devel-
op a new knowledge to other future
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no
competing interests.
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