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                                NEWS BRIEFS
No. of hand held Kapas Plucker
Machines Distributed to Marginal
and Small cotton farmers
StateNo. of Kapas
Distributedvest cost (reduced labour requirement), lesser trash & contamination and
premium on sale of better quality cotton.
*Due to availability of indigenous good quality cotton, the quality of cotton
yarn, textiles and value added products will also increase which may in-
crease foreign exchange earnings.
In order to overcome the issues in manual harvesting of cotton and for im-
provement of quality of cotton by reduction in contamination at farm level,
CCI started distribution of kapasplucker machine under its CSR activities.Punjab100
700Secretary, Ministry of Textiles visits the Work Premises of
Shri Gopal Saini, Shilpguru to oversee the ongoing Handicrafts Technical
Training Programme (HTTP) sanctioned in Blue Pottery Craft;
Tamil Nadu
5543Distributes Pehchan Identity cards to the artisans and
interacts with the beneficiary artisans at Sanganer, JaipurState-wise Distribution of Kapas Plucker Machines by CCI under CSR is
given in the adjoining table.
Secretary, MoT, Visits Handicrafts Technical
Training Programme (HTTP), Jaipur
Shri U. P. Singh, Secretary, Ministry of Textiles visited Weavers Service Cen-
tre at Jaipur, Rajasthan and interacted with weavers and other stakeholders
today. He met with the Senior Officers of the State Govt of Rajasthan at
Udyog Bhawan, Jaipur. He also visited the Work Premises of Shri Gopal Saini,
Shilpguru to oversee the ongoing Handicrafts Technical Training Programme
(HTTP) sanctioned in Blue Pottery Craft. The artisans briefed him on the
design, colouring and other intricacies of the Blue Pottery.
ated by a light weight 12 volt. Cotton
gets entangled with the rollers and is
collected directly into collection bag
attached to it. Design of machine
makes it easy to operate at field and
affordable i.e. at nominal cost of Rs.
8000 per machine (approx.).
Advantages of kapas plucker ma-
chines are as under:
*Reducing the risks of health haz-
ards to cotton farmersin manual
picking (i.e. risk of insect bite, back
pains due to standing posture for
long hours, bruises/cutting on legs
& hands etc).
*Improve the cotton harvesting
skills, reduce the dependency on
scarce & costly labour and make
cotton farmers “Atmanirbhar”
*Improve the quality of cotton by
reducing contamination at farm
*Financial returns to cotton Farm-
ers may improve by reducing har-Shri U.P. Singh, Secretary (Textiles), visited the Work Premises of Shri
Gopal Saini, Shilpguru at Jaipur, Rajasthan. The visit was to oversee the
ongoing Handicrafts Technical Training Programme (HTTP) sanctioned
in Blue Pottery Craft.