INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS PAGES Textile recycling at Research Insti- tute of Sweden (RISE) Activities within From textiles to dissolving pulp, again •Mechanical recycling •Chemical recycling of cellulosics •Chemical recycling based on depo- lymerization •Chemical recycling targeting blends Recycling of textile blends The research is built upon an alkaline process separating the cellulose fibres and the polyester. The cellulose is re- cycled into a dissolving pulp (a pulp optimised for textile production), andsubsequently regenerated into cellu- lose fibres (viscose, lyocell etc.). The polyester is depolymerized into its building blocks: glycol and terephthalic acid. The building blocks can be fur- ther used as a recycled feedstock to create new polyesters or other syn- thetic materials.•Circular recycling of PES and PU blended textile wastes. The possibility to handle both polyes- ters and cellulosics widens the feed- stock of used textiles, and the poten- tial of the innovation.In this project, the polyester (PES) and polyurethane (PU) will be chemically separated from a blended waste stream, and then both fractions will be depolymerized into monomers. The resulting monomers will be regenerated into their virgin polymers and used for textile applications, creating the pos- sibility of closed-loop monomer recy- cling of this waste Additional projects in the areaRecycling Chemicals in textiles •Chemicals affect not only health and environment….but also precesses.New technologies for dyeing and re- moving dyes NCM-OCTOBER 2021 62