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                                General Trends of Innovation in the Technical Textiles Sector
Innovation cycle for conventional textiles
(Source: AEI TÈXTILS)vsInnovation cycle for technical textiles
ture of yarns/fabrics (weaving and
knitting) are found in a decline phase.
In spite of this, electrophoresis, de-
rived from nanotechnology, is still in
embryonic stage.nical reasons and in the second one
for economic reasons) the current fin-
ishing and stamping technologies, re-
spectively, and remaining complemen-
tary to the traditional processes.
Nanotechnology is leading to a revo-
lution in the science of materials which
will allow the textile sector to offer in-
novative products with new types of
functional fibers, capable to respond
to multiple requirements.Research lines in materials/fibres
As for textile finishing processes, dye-
ing will continue to play its traditional
role affected only, in terms of innova-
tion, due to environmental conditions.
It is important to mention the general-
ization of coating and laminating tech-
niques who have already reached tech-
nological maturity, waiting for the pos-
sibilities offered by the products man-
ufactured by electrospinning; the ap-
plication of biotechnology (enzyme
treatments) the solution of the addition
of microcapsules or the consolidation
of nanofinishings.
On the other hand, surface treatments
plasma technology or digital print-
ing, both in the growth stage, can pass
quickly to a maturity stage without hav-
ing substituted (in the first due to tech-In the 60s, the fundamental advances
in the field of textile fibers were based
on the improvement of primary func-
tions of already known fibrous materi-
als (high tensile strength, improved
feel, etc.). From the 1970s to the
present, there has been remarkable
progress in the design of new fibers,
developing polymers with improved
properties (high toughness, non-flam-
mability, fibers with functional addi-
tives, breathability, etc.).
Microfibers, waterproof and breathable
laminates lyocell-type viscose fibers,
organic fibers or inorganic heat-resis-
tant, generalization of the use of elas-
tomeric yarns, etc., are some exam-
ples of the milestones achieved dur-
ing this period.
In the fiber market, innovative solu-
tions appear thanks to the develop-
ment of bio- component fibers, formed
by two different polymers that take
advantage of the qualities of both and
46allow get differentiated threads in their
Knowledge of the science of textile
materials, coupled with the progress
of industrialization, has allowed the
manufacturers obtain fibers with daz-
zling optical effects or hollow fibers with
heat-insulating properties, etc. On the
other hand, the different shape of the
fibers sections promotes the evacua-
tion of sweat perspiration to the out-
side of the garments.
Also, the rising ecological sensitivity
of the consumers is increasingly con-
sidered, and fiber-producing companies
are directing their research towards the
development of fiber that doesn’t harm
the environment. New fibers appear,
such as so-called organic fibers, which
belong to the family of synthetic, arti-
ficial fibers (protein or cellulosic) or nat-
ural, such as milk protein fibers, soy
protein fibers and bamboo fibers,
among others.
Finally, it is worthy to mention the in-
troduction of graphene as new materi-
al in the textile sector, for its proper-
ties excellent (hardness, lightness,
thermal conductivity, etc.). Several re-
search projects are currently underway