
The USDA Cotton Ginning Laboratory resolves to prioritize post-harvest technology

Ginning & Cotton Quality Improvement

Special attention should continue to be focused on the behavior and quality of newer and higher-yielding cotton varieties at the point of ginning.


The USDA Cotton Ginning Laboratory at Stoneville has been vitally important to the fiber quality and economics of cotton production and processing in all upland cotton-growing areas, especially the 10 states in the Mid-South and Southeastern U.S. (Memphis Territory Growths). The advances in technology for cotton ginning that have been produced by the Stoneville-based USDA Cotton Ginning Laboratory have enabled gins to remain compliant with air quality standards of EPA while at the same time, constantly improving the management of fiber quality.

Delta Council urges the Stoneville USDA Cotton Ginning Laboratory to continue to emphasize the study of all aspects for reducing costs and increasing marketable cotton lint which possesses characteristics that respond to prevailing market signals. Special attention should continue to be focused on the behavior and quality of newer and higher-yielding cotton varieties at the point of ginning.

Contamination issues concern Delta Council and we wish for the Ginning Laboratory to work with the Extension Service to address this persistent problem through education and outreach on the farm and at the gin.

Delta Council praises Congress for including support of the Mid-South Ginning Laboratory in the FY’18, FY’19, FY’20, and FY’21 Appropriations process. We regret that the Executive Branch has not placed priority on the base funding for the laboratory since 2007.

In recognition of the pressing changes in cottonseed breeding, production, harvesting, and enduse technologies that are rapidly advancing, Delta Council views that USDA-ARS must place a higher priority on post-harvest technology and specifically, additional resources at the Stoneville-based Cotton Ginning Laboratory, in order for the full production system of Mid-South-Southeast cotton to move to the marketplace without being discounted due to the lack of equivalent advancements in ginning technology.

In this regard, Delta Council urges the National Cotton Council, Southern Cotton Ginners Association, and other Mid-South-Southeastern certified producer organizations to join with Delta Council in continuing to meet with the National Program Staff of USDA-ARS in order to address these critical issues with a sense of urgency.

Adopted by: Delta Council Ginning & Cotton Quality Improvement Committee

Ginning & Cotton Quality Improvement Committee

The Ginning & Cotton Quality Improvement Committee supports needs in research for cotton quality. This committee has played a key role in offering study and input to improve our cotton classing system. The committee, comprised of cotton gin, warehouse and oil mill operators, is focusing on new innovation for gin waste management and federal regulations affecting their operations. The committee also cooperates with federal agencies with jurisdiction over labor and immigration issues affecting cotton gins.

Chairman: David Cochran, Jr., Greenville
Vice Chairman: Gary Bailey, Tunica
Vice Chairman: Shane Stephens
Vice Chairman: Dwayne Coward, Grenada

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