
Minardi Piume srl

Minardi Piume srl Logo

Company Profile: A Century of Innovation and Sustainability in Down Craftsmanship Established in 1916, Minardi Piume has more than a century of experience in crafting premium goose and duck down, primarily sourced from European countries. Our centennial expertise is at the heart of our production of high-performance natural fillings Made in Italy. In recent years, we made significant investments to expand our production lines specifically dedicated to upcycling down from post-consumer products. Our ultimate goal is to become the leading European hub for recycled down and feathers, building a circolar economy along with our partners. At Minardi Piume, our pursuit of excellence is relentless. Throughout the years, we’ve consistently focused on research, pushing boundaries to ensure quality, sustainability, and innovation remain at the forefront of everything we do.

Address: via Tomba 1/2 48022 Lugo Italy

Website: http://www.minardipiume.it/

Grey Country Duck PAG90US Composition: 100% Grey Duck Down Product 1: Grey Country Duck PAG90US Composition: 100% Grey Duck Down

P.U.R.E. Recycled Down FP 750+ Grey - GRS Composition: 100% Recycled Down & Feathers Product 2: P.U.R.E. Recycled Down FP 750+ Grey – GRS Composition: 100% Recycled Down & Feathers

Grey Flower Down - GRS Composition: 70% Recycled Down & Feathers Product 3: Grey Flower Down – GRS Composition: 70% Recycled Down & Feathers

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