
СJSC “GAP-TÜRKMEN” СJSC Turkmenbashi Jeans Complex

jeansProducts: Denim fabric & cotton jeans

The Turkmenbashi jeans complex of Gap-Turkmen Closed Joint-Stock Company produces high quality jeans in blue, black, green and brown colors from 8 to 15 ounces thick. Our factory is equipped with advanced equipment from Europe and Japan. The finished products are exported to the United States, Spain, Turkey, Russia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, the United Kingdom, Hungary, and Poland.

In the coloring department, 75 people work in three shifts. In one exchange, 12,000 meters of yarn are dyed blue, and the casting and control of the color is computerized. The dyed yarn is then sent to the production plant.


1.5 million tons of jeans are produced annually.

jeans3Sewing factory

The main tools here are sewing machines. Equipment from Germany, Switzerland and Japan is installed in the sewing factory of the complex. More than 900 women workers work in two shifts in the workshop, sewing a variety of jeans, shirts, skirts and shorts from jeans during the production.

Our Bedev branded jeans are exported to Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, Kazakhstan and other European and Asian countries. Orders from the world-famous Collin’s, Zolla, and Modis are being made at the Turkmenbashi Rock Complex.

СJSC “GAP-TÜRKMEN” СJSC Turkmenbashi Jeans Complex
Turkmenistan, Ashgabat city, Bagtyyarlyk district, Ashgabat-Turkmenbashi main road 13th km
Phone: +993 12 32 45 31, +993 12 25 88 67
Fax: +993 12 25 88 74
Email: info@tjk.com.tm
Website: www.tjk.com.tm

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