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List Of Wool & Woollens Exporters from India

Wool & Woollens Exporters from India

Indian woollen manufacturing has come a long way from a small beginning as a cottage industry predominantly catering to SMEs. Now, woollen industry has entered an era which caters to international standards through consistent innovations in techniques, styles, textures, colours and trends.

Dynamism is warranted in any industry and now wool and blends convert into fabrics, cardigans, pullovers, muffles, shawls, stoles, socks, gloves, garments, floor coverings, ponchos, thermal wears, technical fabrics and more innovative sports garments etc. made out of high quality yarns.

Wool: For the holistic growth of the wool sector, Ministry of Textiles, formulated a new integrated programme i.e. Integrated Wool Development Programme, ( IWDP) which has been approved by the Standing Finance Committee in its meeting held on 23.03.2017. The programme has been designed for growth of wool sector by including essential requirement of all stake holders viz. formation of cooperatives of wool growers, machine sheep shearing, strengthening of wool marketing\wool processing\woollen product manufacturing. Focus has been made in certification, labelling, branding of pashmina wool and utilization of deccani wool in industrial products through research and development activity. The Hon’ble Prime Minister has announced a programme for the development of Pashmina sector in J&K State with allocation of Rs. 50 crore. The programme has been incorporated under IWDP in the name of Reconstruction Plan for J&K State.

Technology Support

Technology Upgradation: Amended Technology Fund Upgradation Scheme (ATUFS): ATUFS was notified in January 2016 with an outlay of Rs 17822 cr to mobilize new investments of about Rs 95,000 crores and to create new employment for about 35 lakh persons by the 2022. As on 20.01.2020, a total of 9605 UIDs have been issued under ATUFS with estimated project cost of Rs. 39826.28 crore.

PowerTex India: In order to address the long felt need of the powerloom sector and to strengthen the effective implementation, the Powerloom Sector Development Schemes (PSDS) have been modified by incorporating new components viz., Solar Energy Scheme and Pradhan Mantri Credit Scheme for Powerloom Weavers, Publicity and IT & rationalising/ upgrading the existing schemes viz., Group Workshed Scheme, Common Facility Centre Scheme, Yarn bank Scheme, Insitu Upgradation Scheme for plain Powerlooms. The scheme has now been relaunched as PowerTex India and is effective from 01.04.2017 to 31.03.2020.

Central Wool Development Board: Central Wool Development Board (CWDB), Jodhpur was constituted in 1987 with its headquarters at Jodhpur, Rajasthan with a view to harmonize various diversified interests among different sectors of the wool industry. The CWDB has been registered as Society under the Societies Registration Act, 1958. It works under the administrative control of the Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India. The Board also functions as an advisory Body and implementation agency to the Ministry of Textiles on matters relating to growth and development of the wool sector.

Export of Wool & Wool Blended Products during 2019-20

The exports of woollen/blended products were Rs.5,930.84 Crores during 2019-20 against export of Rs.5,308.03 Crores during 2018-19 and shown decline of 10.50% as per data of Dept. of Commerce, Govt. of India.

Export of Wool & Wool Blended Products during 2019-20

Export of Wool & Wool Blended Products during 2019-20

The statement import of Raw Wool and woollen blended during 2019-20

The statement import of Raw Wool and woollen blended during 2019-20

List Of Wool & Woollens Exporters from India

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