The Best Managed Companies program of Deloitte rewards for the first time in France, following a rigorous selection process, 11 companies were distinguished by an independent jury for their management qualities and their performance.
For this first French edition to which 18 companies applied, Lectra – world leader in the fashion, automotive and furniture markets – is one of the 11 companies to receive this label of excellence. Lectra facilitates the digital transformation of companies through its software, equipment, data and services.
The applications received were evaluated on the basis of 4 pillars: strategy, ability to execute and innovate, culture and commitment to employees, and governance structure and financial management. This award highlights the company in all its dimensions and concerns all of its teams.
Established 30 years ago by Deloitte Canada and launched in France at the end of 2021, this program recognizes excellence in companies that stand out for the quality of their management and their performance, through a rigorous and independent selection process. Companies are assessed on their long-term strategy, talent management, innovation capacity and CSR policy, as well as their governance and financial management.
On one hand, these criteria assess the company’s distinguishing features and, on the other hand, its capacity to address current and future challenges.
“For this first edition, I am delighted to announce that Lectra is one of the companies to have obtained our Best Managed Companies mark of excellence,” says Eric Forest, Deloitte Private Associate and Head of the Best Managed Companies program. “Throughout the selection process, Lectra shone through with its extensive strategic vision, solid financial and innovative culture, and its ability to decrypt trends in order to adapt its solutions to changes and the needs of its different markets. This enables Lectra to be a strategic partner to guide its customers in their digital transformation.” Thanks to its capacity to develop innovations, be that with equipment, software or services, and its mastery of technologies such as IoT, the cloud, artificial intelligence and big data, Lectra plays a key role in helping fashion, automotive and furniture industry players evolve towards Industry 4.0.

Lectra Automotive Cutting Room 4.0: A major global player in the fashion, automotive and furniture markets, Lectra designs industrial intelligence solutions – software, equipment, data and services – for brands, manufacturers and retailers.
“Obtaining the Best Managed Companies mark of excellence is great recognition for all of our teams at Lectra. I would like to thank all Lectra employees for this collective achievement,” says Daniel Harari, Lectra’s Chairman and CEO. “The work we have carried out together has enabled Lectra to become a global technological leader. This recognition inspires us to continue with our commitment to the Industry 4.0 revolution and to the success of our customers.”.
Valid for one year, the Best Managed Companies label will allow the winning companies to benefit from real recognition on the market with their ecosystem and wide-ranging media exposure . It will also contribute to developing the attractiveness of these companies to international talent in an increasingly competitive context.
These Best Managed Companies are now part of a unique network made up of more than 1,200 companies labeled nationally and internationally and coordinated by Deloitte and its partners. They will be regularly invited to exclusive events and meetings in a restricted circle on a wide range of subjects. They will thus be able to exchange with other heads of labeled companies and share best practices.
About Lectra:
As a major player in the fashion, automotive and furniture markets, Lectra contributes to the Industry 4.0 revolution with boldness and passion by providing best-in-class technologies.
The group offers industrial intelligence solutions – software, equipment, data and services – that facilitate the digital transformation of the companies it serves. In doing so, Lectra helps its customers push boundaries and unlock their potential. The group is proud to state that its 2,500 employees are driven by three core values: being open-minded thinkers, trusted partners and passionate innovators.
Founded in 1973, Lectra reported revenues of 388 million euros in 2021 and is listed on Euronext (LSS).
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