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Context presents the state of the art of advanced textile materials

AEI Textiles Team

Context , the European network of experts in advanced textile materials, led by the cluster of textiles for technical use in Catalonia, AEI Tèxtils , has publicly presented the reports on the state of the art of advanced textile materials prepared by the different working groups of the network.

These reports, which have been in the works for about a year, are dedicated to the different applications of advanced textiles covered by Context :

  • health/medical sector
  • automotive and aeronautics
  • personal protection
  • construction and habitat
  • sport/wearables

To publicly present the reports, a webinar was held on February 25, with the participation of more than 80 people and in which the leader of each working group summarized its content.

The reports are available, free of charge, on the Context website :   http://context-cost.eu

The AEI TEXTILS , as leader of Context , organized the webinar and collaborated in editing the reports five in order to help disseminate new developments and trends in textiles and promote new developments and lines of work between companies of the sector.

Context has scheduled a second webinar, on March 25 , dedicated to presenting various European financing lines for SMEs, to carry out innovation projects and in which several success stories of companies that have developed smart textiles will be exposed .

Context is part of the COST program of the European Commission and aims to join forces at the European level to facilitate the market launch of new advanced textile materials, reducing the gap between the academic and business worlds.

The Context Management Committee , which was formally established on October 11, 2018, is made up of representatives from 35 European countries and 4 international ones : Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia and Japan. The network is open to all professionals in the field of research, companies, clusters and end users, who can participate in the different activities that are being carried out.

Context has six working groups , five of them dedicated to different areas of application of advanced textile materials: health / medical sector, automotive and aeronautics, personal protection, construction and habitat and sports / wearables. The sixth group is dedicated to dissemination and communication tasks.

(Courtesy: noticierotextil)

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