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Book Release: Sustainable Innovations in the Textile Industry

A new book titled: “Sustainable Innovations in the Textile Industry,” edited by Roshan Paul, Thomas Gries of the Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University, Germany is being released by Elsevier on June 27. The book addresses advances taking place at every stage of the textile value chain that are leading to improvements in sustainability and resource efficiency. It contains comprehensive coverage of the complete textile process sequence, including fiber to textile manufacture and wet processing techniques, such as dyeing, printing, finishing, coating and cleaning. In addition, it also provides the latest industry knowledge on technological advances in textile machinery, supply chain, recycling, effluent discharge, and other innovations that enhance sustainability. This holistic approach is required to effectively address the sustainability issue, which requires action across the value chain.

Having included historical aspects of sustainability in textiles as well as the state of the art in innovative fibers, chemicals and manufacturing processes, this book is essential reading for anyone interested in sustainable directions in the textile industry.

Key features include:

Emphasizes innovative production technologies, the biotransformation of the textile industry, the circular economy, recycling, and the green future of textiles

Addresses sustainability in business and logistics, explaining how these functions influence the environmental impact of other stages of the value chain

Provides a guide to the eco-labels and assessment methods used by industry

The book is highly recommended for academics and researchers with an interest in textile sustainability, and professionals working in textile and related industries.

Bundle (Paperback + eBook): $297.25 Paperback: $246.50 eBook: $258.83
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About the editors

Roshan Paul

Roshan Paul is associated with the Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University, Germany. He is also a Professor in the University of Beira Interior, Portugal. He has previously worked in the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Spain, Clariant, India, LEITAT Technological Center, Spain and Hohenstein Institute, Germany. He is a Chartered Textile Technologist and a Fellow of The Textile Institute (CText FTI), a Chartered Colourist and a Fellow of the Society of Dyers and Colourists (CCol FSDC), a Chartered Engineer and a Fellow of The Institution of Engineers (India) (CEng FIE), a Fellow of the Textile Association (India) (FTA), and a Senior Life Member of American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists. He is an alumnus of the Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai, India. Contact e-mail: paulrosh@yahoo.com

Affiliations and expertise: RWTH Aachen University, Germany. Functional finishing, smart coatings, eco-friendly colouration, denim and jeans, personal protective equipment, technical textiles, effluent treatment, sustainability, biotransformation, bioeconomy, circular economy.

Thomas Gries

Thomas Gries is Professor and Director of the Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University, Germany. His achievements are commendable, and his contributions to the field of textile technology and fibre based composites have had a profound impact. Furthermore, his leadership in transforming the Institut für Textiltechnik into a comprehensive provider of textile innovation, digitalisation and sustainability initiatives underscores his dedication to pushing the boundaries of textile technology. His involvement in textile recycling, decarbonisation, biotransformation and efforts to enhance energy and material efficiency further solidifies his status as an undisputed leader in the field. Contact e-mail: thomas.gries@ita.rwth-aachen.de

Affiliations and expertise: RWTH Aachen University, Germany. Textile innovation, digitalisation, sustainability, biotransformation, decarbonisation, textile recycling, circular economy, bioeconomy, and energy and material efficiency.

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