Karachi Export Processing Zone is located at a distance of 18 Kilometers from Jinnah International Airport and 10 Kilometers from Port Bin Qasim.
Export Processing Zones Authority (EPZA)
Established in 1980, the Export Processing Zones Authority (EPZA) is one of the fast-growing projects undertaken by the government and carries a great appeal for both local and overseas investors. EPZA is a Pakistan Government venture conceived and designed to increase and improve the exports of the country. Its main objectives are accelerating the pace of industrialization in the country and enhancing the volume of exports by creating an enabling environment for investors to initiate ambitious export-oriented projects in the Zones which would, as a corollary, create job opportunities, bring in new technology and attract foreign investment.
Karachi Export Processing Zone
It is a first project of EPZA, established in Karachi. It is located at a distance of 18 Kilometers from Jinnah International Airport and 10 Kilometers from Port Bin Qasim. Karachi Export Processing Zone (KEPZ) was established on 305 acres (Phase-I & II). 58% of total area is occupied by Roads and Greenbelts due to which the zone has become environmental friendly. Land in two phases, Phase-I is on 211 acres land, whereas, Phase-II on 94 acres land. Now both the Phase (I & II) have been fully allotted. Over a period of time EPZA has been receiving new investment proposals from overseas as well as local investors for establishing new industrial units in Karachi EPZA, because of nearest to Sea ports. Now for further expansion of KEPZ Phase-III development work area of 80 acres of land is in progress.
KEPZ has received significant recognition and numerous accolades from around the world and today, is acknowledged as one of the fastest growing and most cost-effective free zones in the region. Presently 266 local and foreign based companies are operating and providing 30,000 employments opportunities to the peoples. Their exports valued US $ 614.079 million in 2019-20, and cumulative export is US $ 9036.786 million, garments is the dominating sector followed by electronics, chemicals, plastic & paper products, food, etc. Both the Phase (I & II) have been fully colonized. Now for further expansion of KEPZ Phase-III development work on 80 acres of land is in progress. It is likely to create around eight to ten thousands job and accelerate industrial development.