
What NOT to Expect from the New Year 2021?

GD JasujaPundits of all kinds and levels, across the world, are busy analysing the effects of the COVID-19 virus on all aspects of human activities. Obviously, the top concern is about the drastic negative impact of the pandemic on the world trade and commerce which has potentially led to millions of job losses, loss of human lives and deterioration in the quality of daily life. For the first time in the modern history, human beings realised their own helplessness and hopelessness. The Covid-19 has acted like nature’s huge speed breaker for citizens of the world who quite often used to complain about the shortage of time (some even claimed they had no time for dying!). The pandemic has taught different things to different people. Things that only the pandemic of this kind and magnitude could teach. Although we do have short memory for such ugly times but this one should take at least 2-3 years to fade away. There is no question that we are all quite eager to reach to that point as soon as possible.

We have come across all kinds of forecasts for the new year 2021 and beyond once the pandemic slows down, or killed and eliminated, with the help of dozens of vaccines that have been lined up for this purpose. There is nothing wrong to expect quick recovery from this dark phase to new good old days! But the optimism should be carefully evaluated so as not to get caught in known but hidden or unknown but visible blockages that we mistakenly thought were cleared but were very much existent. That’s why there must be cautious optimism when we look forward to the new year 2021 and beyond.

One of the ways that came in my mind is to prepare a list of What NOT To Expect From The Year 2021! Everyone’s list is going to be different and every one got to make his/her own list because no one else knows your situation best. I welcome you to have a glance at the following list that I have attempted to build as an industry insider!

  1. The Year 2021 can be up to 50% better than 2020 with proper planning and execution. Caution: Don’t be greedy.
  2. The Year 2021 cannot dramatically change the air travel practices and hence Face-to-Face interactions are going to be limited.
  3. Don’t expect physical events (fairs, conferences, fashion shows etc.). It’s going to be virtual 2021.
  4. Don’t expect easing of the money supply. The year of no credit or limited credit. Caution: Be frank and firm. Don’t be greedy.
  5. Don’t expect the pandemic to vanish totally. A tremendous amount of vested interests (globally) have aliened with the Covid-19 and they will try to play out differently. It’s effect on business depends on the type, location, size and niche.
  6. Don’t expect the government support in any form.
  7. Don’t expect trade organisations can be of any help.
  8. Loyalty and trust will be in short supply. Don’t expect much.
  9. The Year 2021 can be great if expectations are low, efforts are moderate and wastage of resources is minimum.

Good Luck. Take Care. Wish You A Very Fulfilling New Year 2021!

Managing Editor

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