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List of Technical Textiles and Related Units in India

India, although placed at 5th position in terms of market size of Technical Textiles in the world, it has not ventured concurrently into production of capital machines required for manufacturing and processing activities. We still depend on imports of machineries and plants for manufacturing Technical Textiles and thereby affecting production costs, especially for high-end products.

One of the key initiatives of Ministry of Textiles under National Technical Textiles Mission (NTTM) is to support development of high-end machinery, equipments, tools, and testing instruments for Technical Textiles in India and establish an indigenous platform for domestic design, development, and manufacturing. The initiative is launched as a part of “Make in India” programme to promote technological independence and support innovation in the production of machinery, equipments, tools, and testing instruments for Indian technical textiles sector. In order to develop indigenous R&D capabilities; improve the cost of Technical Textile production; move toward self-sufficiency and increase India’s exports; the Ministry intends to collaborate with recognized R&D leaders, machinery manufacturers and industry players in technical textiles.

The Ministry of Textiles has invited research project proposals  for technical textiles and related sectors for funding. For details, please click here.

The list of technical textiles and related units and institutions, as per the Indian Technical Textile Association (ITTA), is given below:

List of Registered Technical Textiles Related Units in India

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