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List of Members of Advanced Textiles Association (ATA)

advanced textiles

The Advanced Textiles Association (ATA) is a not-for-profit trade association comprised of member companies representing the international specialty fabrics marketplace. Member companies range in size from one-person shops to multinational corporations. Members’ products cover the broad spectrum of specialty fabrics and include fibers, fabrics, end products, equipment and hardware.

Serving the specialty fabrics industry since 1912

On September 12, 1912, fourteen manufacturers of canvas and awnings met at the Brown Palace Hotel in Denver and formed the National Tent & Awning Association. The manufacturers decided to establish the trade association initially to set standard weights and prices for canvas products, actions that would be considered illegal today. They also sought to form a unified voice to counter the price-setting strategies of their suppliers, the cotton mills. Since this first gathering, the association has expanded in scope and purpose to become the largest textile trade association in the world. Today, the Advanced Textiles Association (ATA) ranks in the top ten percent of all the thousands of U.S. trade associations in size of membership, operating budget and professional size.

Below is the list of more than fourteen hundred Members of Advanced Textiles Association.

List of Members of Advanced Textiles Association

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