Category: Profiles
Profile of Textile, Clothing and Allied Industries

eVent Fabrics
Company Profile: eVent fabrics is globally recognized as a leader in high-performance waterproof, breathable membranes and laminates designed to keep [...]

Company Profile: The AMANN Group is one of the world's leading manufacturers of high-quality sewing and embroidery threads. Since 1854, AMANN has comb [...]

Annie’s Smartex Co.,Ltd
Company Profile: Annie's Smartex Co.,Ltd. is a technology company professionally engaged in the R&D of nano powder, functional textile fiber, spun [...]

Company Profile: APEX Textile have been trusted in textile industry over 15 years. Nowadays, we continue our commitment supplying advanced functional [...]

Maglificio Alto Milanese Srl
Company Profile: For 50 years Maglificio Alto Milanese has been producing knitted fabrics on circular machines from any fibres, for any sector of the [...]

Company Profile: Coolcore provides ongoing innovation in chemical-free performance for warm and cold weather fabrics and is committed to sustainable p [...]

Daewoong Fnt Co., Ltd.
Company Profile: Daewoong FNT Co., Ltd has produced a high-quality product that meets customers' needs for more than 20 years. Through our strict qual [...]

Devan Chemicals NV
Company Profile: Devan Chemicals offers innovative functional finishes, providing added-value for textiles and allowing sportswear and clothing manufa [...]

Carvico S.p.A.
Company Profile: Competence, professionalism, research, tradition and an eye always on the future: these are the ingredients that make Carvico S.p.A. [...]

Beti tekstilna industrija d.o.o.
Company Profile: Beti Textile Industry d.o.o. is a leading European manufacturer of sustainable and functional dyed yarn, with a strong focus on innov [...]