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TAI Mumbai Lecture On Technology for Textile Dyeing using Supercritical Fluid


Hybrid Lecture on “Improved Sustainable, Environment Friendly,
Green Technology for Textile Dyeing using Supercritical Fluid”
on Friday, 22nd July 2022 from 05.00 pm to 06.00 pm at TAI, Mumbai Unit Office

The Textile Association (India), Mumbai Unit is organizing a Hybrid Lecture on Friday, 22nd July 2022 at TAI, Mumbai Unit Office. The theme of this Lecture is “Improved Sustainable, Environment Friendly, Green Technology for Textile Dyeing using Supercritical Fluid”. The timing of the lecture will be from 05.00 pm to 06.00 pm. The question & answer session will be for 15 minutes.

Dr. Swapneshu Baser, Managing Director, Deven Supercriticals Pvt. Ltd. is the Expert Speaker to express his views on this interesting topic and will be very informative for all.

Those interested are required to register in advance for this Hybrid Lecture.

For virtual attendance Zoom Registration Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYrcOCvpj8tE9MRHLZlReb14-ROA6CYFCYU

(After registration, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the virtual lecture.)

For physical attendance, please confirm your participation by email to TAI, Mumbai Unit before 21.07.2022. The physical participation is on a first come first served basis due to the limited capacity of the venue. Spot registration and participation is not allowed. The Lecture will be held at TAI, Mumbai Unit Office followed by High Tea.

Please forward the information further to your colleagues & friends who would benefit from this lecture.

Rajiv Ranjan


V. C. Gupte


A. V. Mantri 

Hon. Secretary 

Haresh B. Parekh

Convenor M: 8779004729



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