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Shaw Industries, a Dalton, Ga.-based carpet manufacturer

Shaw winner of four awards from the CalRecycle waste reduction awards program recognizing waste-to-landfill reduction programs.
Shaw recovers used carpet and breaks down the fibersto be recycled into new product. This helped divert 8.5 million pounds of waste from landfills, according to Shaw. Shaw uses the recycled material to produce its Green Edge carpet line.

Customers are willing to pay a premium for the carpet, and recycling material can help save money compared to making entirely new carpet. The four  Calf. carpet plants saved $1.3 million in landfill, waste reduction and reuse costs.
“Environmentalism is important to Shaw both from a good corporate citizen and business viewpoints”, Wilkerson said. Employees in the company’s sustainability department find ways to save money while lessening the carpet manufacturer’s negative environmental practices. This helps make their sustainability efforts sustainable. “We look at it as a long-term commitment, not just a fad,” Wilkerson said. “At the end of the day, it’s the right thing for our business.”

Shaw Industries, Inc.
P.O. Drawer 2128 616 E. Walnut Avenue Dalton, GA 30722-2128
